Brackett Memorial United Methodist Church |
Angela Tarbox, Pastor
| 207.766.5013 |
www.brackettmumc.org | |
Brackett’s mission statement: We are called to be an
inclusive, diverse, and caring Christian community: worshipping, praying,
witnessing, reaching out to all people on the island and beyond, daring
to grow and change as God calls us. Sunday worship service 10 am; church
school/child care during the service. Coffee/Fellowship time follows the service.
Various programs and activities throughout the year Building serves as
a community venue for special events. |
Casco Bay Health Center
| Marge Powers,
President |
http://peaksislandhealthcenter.org/ | 8:30-3:30 MWF | 766-2929 |
The Casco Bay Health Center is a non-profit
corporation run by islanders to support the Peaks Island
Health Center. According to our by-laws, our purpose is "to
facilitate and support the delivery of health services on
Peaks Island for island residents and visitors". To that
end, we have raised money to build a new health
center and offer ongoing financial and practical support to
the Island's healthcare providers. |
| Al Bleau,
Team Leader | 766-007 or 781 962-2662 (cell) |
The Peaks Island CERT (Community Emergency Response Team), one of the
first in New England, includes twenty one Peaks Island resident volunteers. It was formed
by the Portland Fire Department in 2005 under a grant from Homeland Security to train
volunteer community members to help City emergency personnel in case of emergencies.
CERT team members meet on the third Monday of each month at the Doug MacVane Community
Center for refresher training.
Under the direction of emergency personnel, CERT members provide first aid and triage,
CPR, rescue, fire suppression, communication services, transport, staffing of detours
and blocked roads, food and water distribution, staffing of emergency shelters at the
Community Center, Senior Housing, Children's Workshop and the elementary school,
visitation & telephone calls to senior citizens and special needs citizens. |
Eighth Maine Regiment Memorial Association |
Richard Adams | 13 Eighth Maine Ave | 207-766-5086 |
| www.EighthMaine.com
The Eighth Maine Regiment Memorial Association was
incorporated in 1871 as a nonprofit, veterans’ organization. It perpetuates
the memory and preserves the history of the Eighth Maine Volunteer Regiment
including the real and personal property of the Association.
Funds for preserving the building and its contents are raised through
donations, fund raising activities including an annual raffle, and fees
from overnight guests and groups using the facilities. |
Friends of TEIA |
Stephanie Castle |
The Friends of TEIA provide the opportunity
and financial support to all island school children to
participate in TEIA's sailing, tennis and day camp programs.
We also try offer other educational forums during the summer
for all island adults and children. Our primary source of
funding is through our annual fall appeal. |
Friends of the Library |
Peaks Island Library |
129 Island Ave |
peaks@portland.lib.me.us |
Kathryn Moxhay, President |
kmoxhay@earthlink.net |
The Friends of the Peaks Island Library
exist to support the library and its staff in their mission
on Peaks. Our efforts are funded primarily by membership
dues and by the proceeds of our Annual book sale, the third
Saturday in July. We purchased and maintain the copier at
the library, support the publication of the STAR, supplement
the book collection when appropriate, give dictionaries to
graduating 5th graders, as well as birthday books to all
students at the Island school, give books to families with
new babies, support the summer reading program, support the
Saturday night movie program, and bring various programs
like writers' workshops to the Island from time to time. |
Holy Trinity Episcopal Chapel |
Mary or David Haeger | 766-3376
Held at St. Christopher’s Catholic Church each Sunday at 8:30 AM during July and August.
For 60 years, during the months of July and August, Episcopalians on Peaks Island have
gathered to celebrate the Eucharist as Holy Trinity Chapel. Some Sundays, there are as
many as 30, some Sundays there are considerably fewer, but one thing is consistent;
Christians coming together to worship God and celebrate God’s love for us. For many who
live on the island year round, the summer chapel is a chance to walk to church on Sunday
morning and worship with fellow islanders. For families scattered throughout the year it
may be their only opportunity to worship together. This ministry is important to many,
each for their own reasons. We welcome all to join with us.
Ellen Mahoney | PO Box 174 | 207.776.0327 |
HOMESTART was initiated by the 2003 Neighborhood Plan as a community-based
volunteer committee and soon incorporated as as a 501(c)3 nonprofit. The HOMESTART mission
is "to work to create and maintain affordable housing opportunities for the residents of
Peaks Island, Maine." The group holds open board meetings the third Tuesday of every other
month at 7PM in the Senior Center. Community meetings are held quarterly. Meetings are
announced in the STAR. Volunteers are always welcome. |
PeaksFest | Faith York |
207.766.5763 |
| fyonpi@aol.com
PeaksFest is an annual event (traditionally
held around the third or fourth weekend in June) that
celebrates the community of Peaks Island, Maine—its people,
families, diversity, heritage, environment, businesses,
neighborhoods, spirit, and lovable eccentricities.
PeaksFest is an all-volunteer, community based,
non-commercial effort. PeaksFest strongly values
inclusively, respect, non-discrimination, environmental
sustainability, and good-humor in all of its planning and
events to encourage the greatest possible participation by
islanders and their families and friends. |
Peaks Information Exchange
(PIE) | Art Astarita | restech@maine.rr.com |
PIE offers technical assistance to all
Island residents and organizations. We have the most
extensive collection of island technical maps and data. We
can offer use and instruction on all computer hardware, most
computer software, digital mapping, global positioning
equipment and analog to digital conversions for archive
storage. |
Peaks Island Artists |
Jane Banquer | 207.766.2246 | |
The Peaks Island Artists is a non-profit
community collective of
artists devoted to sharing and educating the importance of
as a valued resource for enriching ones life and the world. |
Peaks Island Business Association | Marisa MacIsaac | 207.766.5514 |
The Peaks Island Business Association is an
informal group comprised of island business owners that
seeks to collectively work on issues affecting business on
Peaks Island. We maintain an a directory of businesses and
services on the island. |
Peaks Island Children’s Workshop |
207.766.2854 | |
The Peaks Island Children’s Workshop offers
a year round developmental childcare program to children
ages 2.5 to 5. We are open 50 weeks a year, from 7AM until
6PM, Monday through Friday. In addition to the preschool
program, we offer before and after school care to children
in grades Kindergarten – 5th, as well as care during school
vacations, teacher in-service days, snow days, and early
release days for enrolled children. During the summer
months, we offer full time care to school age children 5-11.
DHHS subsidies are available to those who qualify. A
Community Infant/Toddler Playgroup is offered on Fridays,
10:15-11:00 am, October-May as a time for parents and/or
significant others to have a chance to play in our space
with their young children |
Peaks Island Council |
http://portlandmaine.gov/680/Peaks-Island-Council |
Cheryl Miner: Chair | 766.5570 |
The Peaks Island Council (PIC) was established by the City of Portland in 2007 by
special ordinance to gather input from islanders on issues of concern to them and
to provide this input to the Portland City Council. The PIC meets on the
fourth Wednesday of every month in the MacVane Center at 6:30
pm. |
Peaks Island Food Pantry
| Susan Hanley | 766-2735 |
The Peaks Island Food Pantry is located at
Bracket Memorial United Methodist Church.
Come Monday 3:30-5pm OR Thursday 9:30-11am. Help yourself to canned goods or other non
perishables that you may need. |
Peaks Island Fund |
Pam Cleghorn | 207.761.2440 |
www.peaksislandfund.org |
The Peaks Island Fund (PIF) is an endowment
dedicated to charitable works on Peaks Island and Casco Bay.
Annually PIF responds to the emerging needs of Peaks Island
by making grants to island charities to support their
programs. It is funded by islanders who wish to make annual
contributions that pass through to charities or who wish to
contribute to the permanent fund. Money for PIF grants then
comes from income earned on the permanent fund and the pass
through gifts. The Peaks Island Fund connects donors who
care with causes that matter. |
Peaks Island Land Preserve (PILP) |
www.peaksislandlandpreserve.org |
The Peaks Island Land Preserve (PILP) was
founded in the early 1990’s for the acquisition,
preservation and stewardship in perpetuity of Peaks natural
areas and sites of special interest for the use and
enjoyment of islanders and visitors. Please visit our
website for contact information. |
Peaks Island Lions Club |
207.766.2100 |
The Peaks Island Lions Club is the
custodian of historical Greenwood Gardens. During the summer
months, though bake, breakfasts and rentals, the Club raises
funds to maintain Greenwood Garden buildings and ground
maintenance along with donating to various Island causes. |
Peaks Island Quaker Meeting | Aaiyn Foster & Arthur Fink | 207.766.9762 |
Holds a regular Quaker (Friends) Meeting
for Worship
Most Sundays, 10 am, at the home of Aaiyn Foster & Arthur
Fink (10 New Island Ave). Call or email to confirm that meeting will be held. |
Peaks Island School PTO
| 207.766.2528 |
The Peaks Island PTO provides a forum for
parents and teachers to discuss issues related to the school
and to collaborate on providing services and experiences for
the students. |
Peaks Island Tax Assistance (PITA)
& Energy Assistance (PITEA) | Cynthia Pedlikin
| PO Box 126 | 207.766.0067 |
pkstaxasst@maine.rr.com |
The Peaks Island Tax Assistance Committee
(PITA) & PITEA are tax exempt, non-profit, independent groups formed
to aid our fellow islanders to remain in their homes despite
extraordinary tax and energy increases. We are working to raise funds
to help our neighbors with property tax relief and energy
assistance. An impartial
committee of island clergy reviews the requests and keeps
them confidential. The committee will not know the names of
those requesting assistance. ISLANDERS HELPING ISLANDERS. |
Peaks Island Tax Assistance
(PITA) Winter
Carnival | Cynthia Pedlikin | PO Box 126 | 207.766.0067 |
An old fashioned, fun filled Winter
Carnival comes to Peaks Island during the week of February
school vacation. PITA started the ball rolling and we have
other groups who join the fun. There are events scheduled
throughout the week for families, children and adults. |
Peaks Island Taxi | 207.518.0000 |
The Peaks Island Taxi meets boats from 7:45 AM till 8:45 PM
7 days a week and
is on call at other times. The Taxi is available for all
your transportation needs. We do pick up and drop off at the ferry, pick up and
delivery of groceries, freight, flowers, luggage, pizza and food from the mainland.
The Taxi is perfect for wedding party transportation and for pictures on the back
shore. We offer island tours and a quick sightseeing trip around the island.
We’ve even been known to rescue a cat, put a dog in to avoid the rain, put the
chicken soup in the fridge, and turn off the stove that was left on. Call us
at (207) 518-0000 for service and we’ll be right there. |
Peaks Island VOA Senior Housing | 207.766.2173 |
www.voa-nne.org |
Volunteers of America NNE is a national,
non-profit, spiritually based organization providing human
service programs, and opportunities for individual /
community involvement. Specific to Peaks Island, Volunteers
of America NNE owns and manages the Fay Garman House...a HUD
very low income subsidized housing community for senior
citizens 62 years or older. Please contact us for more
information and visit our website for a tour. |
Saint Christopher's Catholic Church |15 Central Avenue | |
207.773.7746 | Rector: Father Michael Seavey | |
Summer weekend masses at 10am Sunday all year long.
All are welcome. Contact Father Mike with questions about
Baptism, Reconciliation & Marriages. AA: Wednesdays
6:30-7:30pm; Share Scriptures: Thursdays 9:30-11am; Cancer
Support Group: 3rd Tuesdays 7-8pm |
The Fifth Maine Regiment Museum | | PO Box 41 | 207.766.3330 | |
www.fifthmainemuseum.org |
The Fifth Maine Regiment Museum, c. 1888,
is home to one of Maine's two Civil War museums. It holds a
growing collection of Peaks Island history materials and
serves as a meeting place for other community organizations. |
For additional businesses and services, please consult the
List of Businesses.
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29 August, 2016